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Amazing Facts Related To Internet Technology That You Should Know About

  • Originally Amazon was a printed book seller company but now it sells more E-books than printed books.

  • The first banner advertisement on website was introduced in the year of 1994.

  • Microsoft Windows Tutorial's another name is Crash Course.

  • Email was already around before the World Wide Web came.

  • During 1980s, an IBM computer was not considered to be 100% compatible if it could not run Microsoft Flight Simulator.

  • At the end of 2012, there were total approximately 17 billion devices connected to the internet.

  • Bill Gates 's house was designed using a Macintosh computer.

  • Mosaic was the first popular web browser which was released in 1993.

  • 70% of virus writers actually work under a contract for an organization.

  • Two-thirds of American internet users shop online.

  • is the first and oldest registered domain name. It completed 30 years on 15th March, 2015.

  • Upto 14th September, 1995, domain registration was free.

  • A program named "Rother J" was the first computer virus to come into sight "in the wild" - that is outside the single computer or lab where it was created.

  • While it took the radio 38 years, television 13 years, it took the world wide web only 4 years to reach 50 million users.

  • U.S. President Bill Clinton's inauguration in January 1997 was the first to be webcast.

  • The average computer users blink 7 times a minute which is less than half the normal rate of 20.

  • Doug Engelbart had made the first computer mouse in 1964, which was made out of wood.

  • Tim-Berners Lee coined the phrase "World Wide Web" in 1990.

  • The world's first computer which was named the Z1, was invented by Konrad Zuse in 1936. His next invention, the Z2 was finished in 1939 and was the first fully functioning electro-mechanical computer.

  • Google uses an estimated 15 billion KWH of electricity per year, which is more than most countries.

  • Google generates a lot of their own power with their solar panels.


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