Here I have listed out most useful terminologies related to Internet and Networking:
1. URL (Uniform Resource Locator):
URL is one address of any web page or any file on the internet. If we want to access any website or web page at that time we fire a URL in the address bar of any of the browsers like Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari or any other browser. Example of a URL is
Any URL is made up with the following parts:
- HTTP Protocol (http)
- Colon Sign (:)
- Double Forward Slash (//)
- WWW keyword (www)
- Domain Name (
2. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language):
HTML is a basic computer language which is used to make a web page. The word HTML is made up of two different words i.e. Hypertext and Markup. Hypertext is one type of text but it is of special type which include different features like images, videos, multimedia, links to other documents etc. Such extra features can be added in the Hypertext through Markup process. HTML is a case insensitive language. There are different type of tags available in HTML through which we can design a whole web page nicely. There is a specific structure of HTML tags.
3. Website:
Collection of different web pages make a single web site. There are mainly two types of websites available in the market i.e. Static Website and Dynamic Website.
4. Webpage:
Webpage is a document which is made by HTML language or any other supported languages. Webpage is a document which shows the information about a person, group of person, a product, an organization or anything else.
5. Homepage:
Homepage is also a webpage but the difference is that the homepage is such a webpage which is shown first when we open any website. Homepage displays the introductory information. Through homepage user can navigate the whole website (With the use of menu and sidebars of the website).
6.Web Browser:
Web Browser is a software, with the use of it user can access the internet. Web Browser is a medium between Client computer and Server computer. When any user wants to know any information then he/she fires any URL or query in the address bar of the browser and server responds such query and displays information on the browser. Two most popular Web Browsers are Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Mosaic was the first graphical browser on which Navigator and IE based. There are other lot many Web Browsers available in the market which are as following:
- Lynx - Text only Browser
- Web TV - Runs on a television set
- Amaya
- UdiWWW
- GNUscape
- Opera
- Arena
- DOSLynx etc.
7. FTP (File Transfer Protocol):
FTP is a service through which any FTP client can exchange data (text document, image, multimedia etc) from one host to another one. There are FTP servers. FTP client can access the FTP servers.
8. Telnet:
Telnet is an old technology. Telnet is a protocol which is used to connect the users to database. Niether Netscape Navigator nor Internet Explorer includes Telnet facility.
9. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol):
TCP/IP is a protocol suite. TCP is a transport layer protocol while IP is a network layer protocol in OSI model. TCP/IP works on both LAN as well as WAN. IP manages the delivery and routing of the data.
10. ISP (Internet Service Providers):
ISPs are the companies which allows their users to get access to the internet. There are many ISPs in the market. Examples of such ISP are as following:
- Tata Indicom
- Tata Docomo
- Reliance Communications
- Esto Internet etc..
11. Search Engine:
Search Engine is a website which displays the information from its database which matches the search request fired by a user. Now a days, lots of search engines are available in the market which are as following:
- Bing
- Yahoo! search
- Ask
- AOL search
- Wow
- Webcrowler
- Mywebsearch etc..
12. Web Crawler:
Web Crawler is a program that crawls through the web and collects information regarding the websites. Information are put into the database of the search engines. There are different types of Crawlers in the market, which are as following:
- Worms
- Spiders
- Robots etc..
13. Packet:
Packet is a data structure. Packets are made of two parts i.e. Header and Data. Address information regarding the origination is the part of header while the data is the block of data.
14. Applets:
Applets are the small java program. Applets are developed for internet application. Applets can be downloaded from the internet and also executed on the local machine.
15. Extranet:
When computers of many organizations are connected in a network then that network is called Extranet. Extranet is larger concept than Intranet.
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