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A Boon For An Organization & An Emerging Technology : Intranet

Meaning of Intranet:

Intranet is one type of private version of Internet. Unlike the Internet, Intranet is TCP/IP based network but the main difference is that Internet is public network while Intranet is a private network. Intranet hosted websites can only be accessed by organization's members, employees and others with authorization. Intranet hosted sites are also looks like the Internet hosted sites but the major thing is that there is a firewall setting surrounding the Intranet which prevents the unauthorized access to the network.

Usage Starting of Intranet:

Intranet has been seen to come into existence in a large organization from 1994. In 1996, Microsoft has launched  a free Web Server and that became the push factor of Intranet technology in the wide market.

Usage of Intranet:

  • The very basic use of the Intranet is to share the information among the members and employee of the organization and with others by authorizing them.
  • In Intranet, own instant messengers like Yahoo and Gtalk  Messaengers can be used over the Internet.
  • Intranet can also be used as Culture Change Platform of an organization.
  • Employees can discuss on a key issue that may lead to new ideas in management, productivity and quality of products.
  • Organization can send the private messages through the public network using special encryption/decryption.
  • Intranet are very useful in HR and CIO department of an organization.

Benefits of Intranet:

  • Workforce productivity can be maintained and also can be increased through Intranet.
  • Intranet allows to share information to the employees any time so the time of higher level authorities and lower level authorities can be saved.
  • Intranet is a big tool for the communication among the employees of an organization.
  • Poor business management can be cured.
  • Information can be shared via Web Browser, not in physical documents so this technology is cost effective.
  • Employees collaboration can be increased.
  • Intranet is able to provide the audience with live changes so they can be kept up to date regarding organization's rules and regulations.

Internet v/s Intranet:


  • Unlike Internet, Intranet also uses TCP/IP and FTP protocols.
  • Intranet hosted websites are also accessible through Web Browsers.
  • In Intranet, different types of Instant Messengers can be used over the Internet.


  • Intranet hosted websites can only be accessed by the members and employees of an organization.
  • Internet is general to all computers but Intranet is specific to few computers.
  • There is wide access to the Internet but there is a restricted access to the Intranet.
  • Internet is less safe as against the Intranet while Intranet is more safe than Internet.


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