Basically, HTTP is the basic network protocol which is used to distribute the information over the internet. Web Server is one type of computer system which does work over requests and responses. The prime functionality of the Web Server is to provide web pages as per the request made by the client. This communication is done by HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). Most of such web pages are of HTML pages which may include images, text, stylesheet, scripts etc.
Very basic thing which occurs is that a user makes a request using any of the Web Browser and a Web Server responds such requests by providing web pages or else any error message if server is not able to respond such request.
Many web servers also supports server side scripting laguages like PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), ASP (Active Server Pages) etc. By using such languages, we can retrieve and/or modify the data from the database.
We can also see the Web Server attached to different types of hardware like web cams, printers, routers. Web server is not made only for world wide web. It is also manages the whole LAN (Local Area Network). In local network, web server responds to request by any of the machine embedded to particular network. So we don't need of any additional software except web browser.
Moreover, any web server can handle only some limited number of client connections. Usually it can handle between 2 to 80000 but by default it is 500 to 1000 client connections. It can also serve limited number of client requests per second. Now a days, Apache, IIS and Nginx are the most used Web Servers on the internet.
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